“Here’s the shopping center,” our driver says as we approach
the ramshackle cluster of buildings with no sign on the horizon of a town or a
village. We’re on safari in the Masai Mara. I’d thought to find Kenya a bit
more prosperous than Mali, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
We see stick-thin children, distended bellies, missing
limbs, runny noses, and smiles. How can they possibly have anything to smile
We see men wobbling along on bicycles with impossibly huge
loads, others pushing their bikes as the load they carry is too heavy and
unwieldy to allow riding. We see a long line of men and women digging a narrow
ditch with pick-axes and shovels. It’s for fiber optic cable.
Wood smolders beneath a huge pile of dirt. Several trees
will produce a few bags of inefficient soft charcoal. Where are the solar
“It’s illegal to throw out food in Kenya,” we are told. What
We have so much. They have so little.
The extremes seem insurmountable. What can one individual
I know what I can do. I can truly appreciate what I have in
Canada and the good fortune I had to be born here. I can put my money where my
mouth is and donate. For me, that means KIVA.
I can help others directly; the young man in Nigeria who
sends me chapters to edit, the young family in Mexico who don’t always know
where their next meal is coming from, and, closer to home, the Salvation Army,
the food bank….
And I can write—my blog and my novels—trying to show the
other side of the coin. Perhaps through the power of words, I can influence
people in our lands of plenty to care and to help.
KIVA: Loans that change lives: http://www.kiva.org/start
It's heartbreaking to see how poor these people are.