My mother had a saying for everything. They were always
prefaced with the words, “As my mother used to say….” She claimed they sounded
much better in Flemish as they rhymed, but as a kid, I didn’t see how any of
them could sound good at any time. Now, a little older and wiser, I realize how
apt they are in many situations.
For years I had a burning desire to write a novel, but
didn’t know if I had what it takes to be an author. If Mom were still here
she’d have said, “You won’t know until you try.”
“Sure, fine, no problem, Mom. But remember, I work full
time, have a couple of kids at home, work out several times a week.”
“Ah well,” she’d have said, “No rest for the wicked.” Seems
to me if I’d been that wicked, I remember much more fun times.
So, prompted by those sayings, I start writing and when I’m
tired and can’t face the computer, I hear her words as clearly as if she were
in the room. “Never leave till tomorrow
what you can do today.” And I write, even if it’s just a little bit.
Eventually I have a completed manuscript and I hear, "If a job's worth doing, it's worth
doing right." Edit, edit, edit is the answer to that one. And, if you’re lucky and have a writing
partner who is a professional copyeditor, you send your manuscript off to her.
Time to find a literary agent and off go the query letters.
Then you wait knowing Mom would say, “No
news is good news.” To your moans when the reject letters arrive, more of your
mother’s words pop into your head. "All
good things come to those who wait." Good things do come in the form of
advice at the Willamette writing conference. Self-publish everyone says. You go
home and proceed.
Novel formatted for
self-publishing, cover designed, website up and running, blogs posted weekly,
Facebook and Twitter accounts active, and you’re ready to launch your first
novel. Doubts creep in.
“Maybe I’m too old
to be doing this?”
“Better late than
never,” your mother’s voice answers. Of course she’s right.
After all you’re
not as old as Whistler’s mother.
“What if no one
likes it or reads it?”
“Time will tell,”
her voice reasons. Again she’s right. People are reading my books and writing
reviews and I’m confident that my readership will grow, perhaps not always as
fast as I would like, but it will grow and I have the satisfaction of
accomplishing my goal. Mom would be proud.